William H. Gass

Sprachsalz 2012 William H. Gass wird von Heinz D. Heisl anmoderiert, liest aus "The Tunnel" und Thomas Sarbacher übernimmt die deutsche Übersetzung: Gass (mp3 Stream)

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Kommentare: 2
  • #1

    Stephen Schenkenberg (Dienstag, 20 November 2012 03:20)

    Thanks for posting the Gass recordings, but these .mp3s are not working for me on any browser. Any chance the files you posted (both here and http://www.sprachsalz.com/2012/09/16/sprachsalzabend/) were not the right formats?


    Stephen (stephen@stephenschenkenberg.com)

  • #2

    sprachsalz (Dienstag, 20 November 2012 14:02)

    thank you for your feedback. i just re-checked and the mp3 work totally fine. they are just not downloadable and for streaming only, so if the browsers you use don't support mp3-streaming, you might want to try and install an mp3-player that does - i recommend the videolan player: http://www.videolan.org